What people think about Developing Dignity's workshops
Overall, how did you find the Developing Dignity workshops?
Mean taken of 282 year 5 children responses after participating in a Developing Dignity workshop. Leicester West School- June 2021
How do you feel about puberty?

37 year 5 children were asked before and after the puberty workshop how they felt about puberty. West Leicester School- June 2021
How much do you know about puberty?
41 year 5 children were asked before and after about their extent of knowledge of puberty mean results shown. West Leicester School- June 2021
"Beth was very knowledgeable and relaxed in her approach which meant the children felt comfortable to ask all sorts of questions."
Year 5 Teacher
Teacher's feedback
"Developing Dignity helped to bring a balanced approach to learning about the menstrual cycle that was as inclusive as the pupils of today deserve."
Year 5 Teacher and Health & Well Being Champion
"Good knowledge and understanding of the curriculum and children’s needs to know about puberty."
Year 5 Teacher
Student's feedback
"That Beth is preparing us for our periods, thanks Beth."
Year 5 Student
"I used to find periods funny, but I don’t find them funny anymore because I know its just normal."
Year 5 Student
"I liked how Beth gave us a heads up on what to do when you start your period and when you get cramps and how you can make a bit of a box of stuff."
Year 5 Student